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11+ and ISEB Pretest


The entry process to senior schools in Year 6 is now the most significant and competitive year in a young student’s life. Our team of 11+ and ISEB experts are on hand to help out each and every step of the way:




For many students, the 11+ process will involve multiple stages, starting with the ISEB Pretest in October / November of Year 6 and followed by second round exams and interviews from January onwards. As such, the preparation for this process must be structured, layered and nuanced throughout the year building up to the exams. We have provided some further details below and would be delighted to discuss further any time so please don’t hesitate to get in touch!


Preparation for the ISEB Pre-Test must go hand-in-hand with work that is being done in Maths, English and Reasoning at school. At Pegasus, we look to support and complement the work that is being done at school - reinforcing and consolidating topics whilst also stretching subjects and skills. The ISEB is an adaptive test which gets harder the better a student performs, so it is important to accentuate a student’s strengths as well as firming up their weaker subjects.



There is a range of platforms and books available to help with ISEB preparation that are of varied utility and reliability. Here are some we recommend.

Note that content is often more reliable in book series such as CGP, Letts and Schofield & Sims. We find that a combination of online and paper resources, along with the additional teaching resources of our tutors and schools’ past papers ensures that our students are as well-prepared as possible for the ISEB.



Once through the first round of the ISEB tests, schools will often invite successful students to a second round of tests, along with an interview. These second round tests can either be online (produced by CEM or Cambridge University) or written by the schools themselves and tend to be more challenging, aiming to stretch students and identify the most academic. As such, it is important when preparing students for these exams to prepare well beyond the standard curriculum for Year 5 and the start of Year 6. Questions will push students to the limit so we endeavour to challenge our students, providing them with comprehensive preparation so that they can put their best foot forward when it comes to these exams.