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Applying to university through UCAS can be a minefield, whether or not you are being fully supported at school. In particular, the process of drafting a personal statement can be a daunting task when there is little framework in place and it is unlike anything a student will have attempted before.

With a limit of 4,000 characters, there is no room for wasted content - knowing what universities are looking for, what topics and experience to focus on and what to disregard is crucial at a time when you have to make each word count.  

Seeking advice from an expert in university admissions can help in a number of ways. From selecting courses (and individual Colleges at Oxbridge), to drafting and re-drafting personal statements, discussing reading lists and work experience, preparing for various aptitude tests and mock interviews for Oxbridge and Medical Schools, the guidance of a teacher or tutor with years of experience fine-tuning university applications can make all of the difference when it matters. 


At Pegasus, our university admissions team varies from current university lecturers, senior school masters, career tutors and Master’s and PhD students. All have extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the application process, and many have themselves interviewed candidates at the universities where they currently teach. 

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions at all, or would like to speak to one of our team! Please also find a link our Top 10 Tips on Personal Statement writing below.